Saturday, March 30, 2013

Is it Really Testing Season?

It is official crunch time. We have 10 days until we begin our State Testing. Last year we began to incorporate Common Core into all curriculum which was no biggie because I taught 2nd grade there was no "official" testing and really "All was Good in My Hood!" I looped up to 3rd which in the State of Oklahoma is the first year of state testing. Okay, I have this handle I have already taught Common Core in 2nd grade I am I thought. Around November/December teachers were told that our state testing would NOT consist of Common Core aligned standards because the state had not found a testing vendor in time to make the state test. So what does that mean? We still have to teach to the Oklahoma PASS standards which don't completely match up with Common Core. Oh and don't forget you are required to teach the Common Core with those "other" standards. So with the lost time I had to really evaluate what would be best for my kids. 

We are about to test in 10 days and if I was a nail biter, I would have only knuckles left. I believe in my kids and in my teammates and staff. I know, hope and pray I will get good news come July. I'll keep you posted! ;) 
In the meantime here is something that we have done to prepare for testing. The ABC's Testing Tips. This was a great way for me to go over all the Do's and Don't of the test. The entire class can tell you what each letter stands for. They took ownership since they illustrated each picture and it hangs in the hallway for all of the school to see. A 4th grade teacher has started walking by a few times a day with her class so the kids can also review the tips. YAY! Want to grab your own? Just click HERE or on any of the pictures below!

Mrs. Wirth :)