Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Cheer

It's Winter Break Y'all!

As I ended my day with a fantastic day group of Instructional Coaches I reflected back of all the changes I have had since August. I started a new job and new position, we welcomed Baby R3 into our family as well as a new furry, kitty baby. R1 started first grade at a new school while R2 was taken back to her original nursery school. My time was up with R3 and she joined the same nursery school. I hit my new job like my hair was on fire. We had to buy a new car to accommodate all the little Wirths. We thought we might need just a little more change and currently perusing the idea of moving. (We'll keep you posted) Whew! 

As I celebrate this break I feel abundantly overwhelmed, seriously behind and majorly exhausted BUT truly, truly BLESSED for all the people and things I have in my life. Now as we all try and get some rest during this break and I try and keep the last bit of sanity by moving these Elves on the Shelves (Sheesh!) let's all reflect back on the awesome craziness we call teaching! I think teachers are some of the best people I know! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

This my friends is the letter R2 is waking up to in the morning

"Go To" Christmas/Winter Break Movie  List:

1. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
2. White Christmas
3. Elf
4. A Christmas Story
5. Home Alone
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